Our mission is to celebrate nature and inspire good through quality natural products. With that, we are constantly thinking about how to help others enjoy life outdoors, and what better place to enjoy life outdoors than in our nation's set-apart lands? We’re extremely proud to be partners in national park protection with the NPCA. Who exactly is NPCA, you ask? With a whopping 1.6 million members and supporters, the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) is the voice of America's most beloved spots – our national parks. Picture this: back in 1919, a bunch of brainy scientists, artsy types, and community leaders got together with one mission in mind – to teach folks about our nation's parks and get them excited about protecting our parks. Fast forward over 100 years, and NPCA is, staying true to its mission of safeguarding our national parks for both today and tomorrow.

With over 420 national park sites across the country, these places aren't just pretty to look at – they're nature's time capsules, preserving everything from ancient history to endangered species. Our parks are where folks from all walks of life come together to connect with nature and with each other. They're like big, welcoming hugs from Mother Earth herself, reminding us that these spaces are here for everyone to enjoy and cherish. So, here's to our national parks – may they always stand tall and proud, protecting the very essence of what makes America so darn special!

But how exactly does NPCA go about protecting these parks, you wonder? Their headquarters are smack dab in the heart of Washington, D.C., and their team is scattered across 11 different regions, working tirelessly at both the state and federal levels to ensure our public lands stay safe and sound. By embedding themselves in the communities they serve, NPCA's staff builds close relationships with everyone from local researchers to government officials. They learn the ins and outs of the parks, figure out what can be improved, and then roll up their sleeves to get the job done. Whether it's pushing for new national parks, keeping an eye on the critters and water sources within them, or ensuring the parks and the people are well taken care of, NPCA's got it covered. And let me tell you, they couldn't do it without a little help from their friends, (eh hem, like us). We are partnering with the NPCA to show our actionable support of preserving our National Parks Lands. 


Jennings Ridout